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forever young forever happy

Well, even though I'm usually pretty organized and productive, right now I galley and some days are too short.
I work full of super exciting plans for the next weeks and months, suddenly following extracts 

1. La Boost Energy League

If you missed the previous season, here's a quick summary:

Boost Battle Run changes name & concept: one becomes the Boost Energy League and the teams will meet each month to the way a football championship.

If serious!

New rules and also new team: Boost Champs Elysées!
For my part I intend to live my #BoostBastille to win and hold on a second star to our jersey😉

boost Bastille
Far too pleased at the launch party!

2. Triathlon

Become a triathlete is my big sporting challenge of the year.
My two goals this year is the Triathlon of Deauville in June followed by the Paris Triathlon in July. It is therefore a distance M 1500m swim, 40km bike and 10km run.
At my training, I run longer than necessary (for my taste anyway), I do not swim pretty (but already I learned to crawl properly which is a big step in my life), and I begins long outings by bike.

Clem thank you for coaching!

Overall I train as follows from now until Deauville:
  • Running 2 times per week
  • Swimming 1 to 2 times per week
  • Bike 1 to week
(And besides my training at CrossFit, I return later)
To ride (since it alone is not always motivating), I fell in love with  Paris Women Cycling  Club! I started riding with the girls Saturday and I hope I made ​​some friends to ride on weekends😉
Overall I was really happy and excited, but I also realize that I have great difficulty in lead and motivate me when I'm alone. I have to hump it!

3. The CrossFit

I am very fortunate because I have a great coach makes me custom programming and that helps me improve myself technically.
I post all my training here  (but if you do not do CrossFit it can be from Chinese).
I feel even causing me less than last year, I grew a little stronger and above all I feel much more comfortable on technical movements jerk or snatch type.

 4. The remaining

I'm still in school, I always eat my vegetables and I work on cool projects!
- I intervened in the E-Motion Trail show where I gave some tips for a good recovery to the great Sissi Cussot! The trailer is available here.

- I am preparing a team of bloggers & journalists shock to run this Sunday the Color Run with Sephora!

And inevitably there are some surprises to come in the pipes ... But I tell you all soon ðŸ˜‰

EDIT: The Contest winners are all about GI (the joys of the draw) so well doneneiltamzali,lescontradictionsdesaskia &aureldune! I await your contact email:)
I received a lot of questions lately about my equipment to run, and more precisely about objects connected & my headphones suddenly I have a good excuse to give you a little recap of my favorite equipment to run!
1 / My watch: The FitSmart
Basically when I run I want to be as light as possible, so I avoid water bottles, backpacks, shoes that are too heavy, and I take the bare minimum on me.
I tried running with SmartRun  but its weight and its interface were a little discouraged.
With FitSmart is quite the opposite: it is super light, easy to use and pretty.
It measures my heart rate, distance & stride. She gives me my pace per kilometer in a single glance and easily hyper synchronic with the miCoach app on my iPhone.
The little less: it is not GPS. The big advantage is that the battery lasts the whole month once!
2 / My shoes: The Tempo Boost 
This is my favorite spring. Light but with good cushioning, they respond well and suit my slightly overpronating feet.
In addition they are super nice which did nothing to spoil my fun :)
3 / My headphones: The Monster SuperSlim
I like to run with music, and I had the chance to test several models in the range including the new in-ear resulting from the collaboration with adidas  that I love.
The last baby of the range is therefore SuperSlim which instantly became my favorite. They are Bluetooth, sound quality is amazing & although they isolate outside noise. They are super light so I think to win at least 2 minutes on my next 10km😉
They appeal to you? On the occasion of the Paris Marathon  I partnered with Monster to save you 3 pairs of SuperSlim!
To participate is very simple:
  1. Followcamille_pic &MonsterEU on Instagram
  2. Repost the photo below with the hashtag #PureMonsterSound mentioning the two accounts
No Instagram Account? You can also leave a comment explaining why you deserve to win😉
The draw will take place Thursday, April 9, and winners will be announced in the day!

From my experience, people who are most successful are not always those with the most talent or ideas ... It is those who are willing to work hard, show abnegation & are passionate about their careers.
Anyone can have ideas, desires, ambitions, but how many people are able to take risks and step out of their comfort zone?
There is only one thing to keep in mind: The success of the people is their ability to do what they do not want to do. 
This is why I use these simple principles:
  • To get up in the morning I get up every day at the same time and get out of bed the minute the alarm rings. No negotiation with myself.
  • To write: Even when I have the fear of the blank page, I open a document on my computer and I think I write just one sentence. If after that I do not want, I close the document, and I take it back later. This technique works very well, I very rarely closes the document before completing the article.
  • At home: "If it takes you less than 5 minutes, do it immediately": this is my principle. So I put away and I avoid creating unspeakable brothels. An apartment tidy & clean: a quiet & peaceful mind (finally some what).
  • In sports: I prepare my things last night if I have to train in the morning  and I often am training with my friends (so when the appointment is set, no way to cancel at the risk of insulting me!) .Even when I'm alone, I tell myself that I'm at least 30 minutes and I'm leaving. Once there (or in motion), the hard part is done and I train usually 1H to 2H.
  • To work: I combine all the above principles: I plan my hours of review, I bump even when I do not want or that I'd rather see my friends and I try to respond to emails instantly to the not view accumulate.
  • To eat healthy: I am at a ratio of 2/3 to 1/3 of healthy meals meal where I eat what I want. The best is the enemy of good, I reserve the right to eat fries occasionally.
Yet sometimes I fail.
Because I'm tired, cranky or because I feel overwhelmed because ... nobody is perfect and we all crashes, it is useless to set impossible objectives or fall in self-flagellation, there are 3 techniques to get back on track:
  • Never two days in a row without doing anything: I authorize the "free days", but I try to put me on the next day.
  • Make a To Do list: When I feel overwhelmed and I do not sleep, I write all I have to do in a notebook or on my iPhone. I empty my mind and I visualize my clear action plan through my list.
And you, what's your tips to succeed and not to procrastinate?
I love the hyper optimistic people who always see the bright side of things. It took a long time to understand that happiness is not a permanent state but rather to achieve a volatile concept, and since I think'm much happier.
Yet I read (and I read yet) many self-help books & guides to make me even more motivated & more productive. This is my way of fighting against the blows of depression: take things in hand and be in action rather than contemplation.
I (like many of you who read this blog) very focused on my goals, my success and I try to achieve success in all areas. We will not lie, it's super tiring: you go too often a hit to another without taking the time to savor his victory. Failure is often used as a crushing defeat, rather than as an opportunity to challenge themselves. In short, it's complicated to be captain positivity.
In short, by ordering new books on Amazon, I came across The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can not Stand Positive Thinking  I ordered immediately saw that I am a "self-help junkie" in itself.
This is a very funny book, super interesting, which looks at through positive thinking and which looks at the different schools of thought that oppose it.
What I have chosen:
  • We must embrace his fears:
Always assume the worst scenario is a rather good idea: the idea is to relativize! Also, do what terrifies us is an excellent therapy. So do not be afraid to say what you want, ask the phone number of someone you like, or sing aloud in the street (if that's your thing)!
  • Positive thinking does not always lead to success: 
And too see its own success may even lead to failure.
  • Focus on goals rather than the path is the fastest path to failure.
This is really the point of the book that marked me: the author speaks of the deadliest season on Everest in 1996.  Dozens of people have died because they chose to continue climbing despite deplorable conditions and that because they were only a few hundred meters from the summit.
These people were mostly business leaders & traders very "goal oriented". For them, the summit was a challenge to cross off their list, and they were willing to take great risks to do so.
You have entered the comparison: seek to achieve its goals at any price is silly. Is choosing to wear blinders, and potentially put at risk.
  • Being in the moment is not having problems
"Do you have a problem, right now, immediately? "
The answer to this question is often "no." For most of our problems are related to our past or our future ... So we remain quiet & we focus on the present moment.
And you, what you think of positive thinking? And negative thinking? What are your favorite books?
I use a lot Instagram, it's my favorite social network. I am also not bad accounts  "fitspo" (+ fitness inspiration) held by super athletes for many years.
Photo Kayla Itsines
Yet I am really beginning to question my use of the platform. To be honest, I'm not super comfortable with the hyper sport which leads many people to post pictures of their abs / biceps / day long ass.
I love the shapely body, I have nothing against sex or nudity, but this trend bothers me more and more, because it is complex a lot of girls & boys who wish to bring to the sport but n 'not dare.
Has been criticized for a long time the dictates magazines because they put in front of the body too far removed from those of the majority of the population, and yet, now that we're actors (social) media, we enter into a logic pernicious for sports where you have to be designed as a beginner bodybuilder. It maintains the insecurity facing the body very many people.
Yet sport is not that: it's developing physical & mental abilities for performance, it's fun, is not to look in the mirror and be in the present moment. This is a time where vanity must not come into consideration, where one must be humble to be the best version of yourself.
Photo CrossFit Charlottesville
Sport is to excel, leave everything on the tartan or the ring. Many top-level athletes do not necessarily have a perfect body, besides the physical of a marathon runner and a rugby player are radically opposed: there are so many beauties in the body in nature.
Many people will never have genetically 6-pack or ball  Jen Selter  yet they will be just as exceptional in a gym or on a running track.
All that to say, your physical is not a reflection of your athletic ability. You do not need to starve yourself or spend your life doing squats and strengthening exercises to be a super athlete.
Play sports because it's fun and you like it, because you want to be faster, stronger and more agile. Ride a bike in the countryside with your family, walk on your hands, go to the pool, make the climbing ... There is a world outside the gymrats who spend their time navel gazing (and post it on instagram).