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By 07:56

I love the hyper optimistic people who always see the bright side of things. It took a long time to understand that happiness is not a permanent state but rather to achieve a volatile concept, and since I think'm much happier.
Yet I read (and I read yet) many self-help books & guides to make me even more motivated & more productive. This is my way of fighting against the blows of depression: take things in hand and be in action rather than contemplation.
I (like many of you who read this blog) very focused on my goals, my success and I try to achieve success in all areas. We will not lie, it's super tiring: you go too often a hit to another without taking the time to savor his victory. Failure is often used as a crushing defeat, rather than as an opportunity to challenge themselves. In short, it's complicated to be captain positivity.
In short, by ordering new books on Amazon, I came across The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can not Stand Positive Thinking  I ordered immediately saw that I am a "self-help junkie" in itself.
This is a very funny book, super interesting, which looks at through positive thinking and which looks at the different schools of thought that oppose it.
What I have chosen:
  • We must embrace his fears:
Always assume the worst scenario is a rather good idea: the idea is to relativize! Also, do what terrifies us is an excellent therapy. So do not be afraid to say what you want, ask the phone number of someone you like, or sing aloud in the street (if that's your thing)!
  • Positive thinking does not always lead to success: 
And too see its own success may even lead to failure.
  • Focus on goals rather than the path is the fastest path to failure.
This is really the point of the book that marked me: the author speaks of the deadliest season on Everest in 1996.  Dozens of people have died because they chose to continue climbing despite deplorable conditions and that because they were only a few hundred meters from the summit.
These people were mostly business leaders & traders very "goal oriented". For them, the summit was a challenge to cross off their list, and they were willing to take great risks to do so.
You have entered the comparison: seek to achieve its goals at any price is silly. Is choosing to wear blinders, and potentially put at risk.
  • Being in the moment is not having problems
"Do you have a problem, right now, immediately? "
The answer to this question is often "no." For most of our problems are related to our past or our future ... So we remain quiet & we focus on the present moment.
And you, what you think of positive thinking? And negative thinking? What are your favorite books?

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