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By 07:53

Well, I'm champion of meditation, play sports often, eat well and be more organized, I'm anxious for super kind.
I think my way to fight it is just a lot of work, although organize myself and stick to a strict schedule to avoid panicking when I end up with significant deadlines on big projects.
Yet sometimes life that I fully panic and I wake up having only one desire: to do a Game of Thrones marathon at the bottom of my bed all day (and we will not lie, it happens! )
Over the years I have developed some simple reflexes in those moments when I feel that everything on the lam, suddenly I thought it might help you to share them with you!

1 / Take time for yourself waking

Do not turn on the phone or read emails at the exit of the bed Take the time to make a tea or coffee and write a little to do list of things to do in the day. I put 3-5 things to do, never more, and organize them in priority order.
Typically it allows me to put things in perspective and organize my day calm & rationally.

2 / Getting rid of stressful things from the start of the day

All the most important / stressors of my to do should be treated first. I take the time to read and respond to my emails and then I spend an hour or two to make them. Result: a relieved and clearer mind for the rest of the day!

3 / If decentralize> If refocus

This is a key point of hyper. You can always find something better to do when anxiety, especially one becomes champion of procrastination: eg my apartment is never as clean as when I'm anxious😉
So as soon as I see that I distract myself, I leave directly on the task I had to finish. No need to flog, it happens to the best of us, the key is to give them as soon as we become aware that we have lost the thread!

4 / Move

If I am not able to go play sports, I at least force to make a long walk or bike ride to clear my head.If I do not have time to go out I make at least some yoga before a youtube video or just a series of stretches.
I re-oxygen my body and I come back in the present moment (hippie stuff, I know).

5 / Eat

Eat anything when you are anxious, it is the open door to guilt and physiologically, it inflicts on his body additional stress. So better a big salad or a good soup rather than a big burger.
After if a square of chocolate helps you, I am no one to judge (in fact I ate small Milka eggs yesterday and it was fantastic).

6 / Although surround himself

Call your friends, have a drink or dinner, plan a weekend with friends or your significant other.Please do not hesitate to talk to people around you!
If the anxiety is too strong, many therapists can also help. Stay in her own unhappiness when there are hundreds of solutions it is a pity!
And if the therapy is not for you, go get a massage, have a sauna, in short, take care of yourself!
And you then? What's your tips to manage your anxiety? Tell me everything, I'm interested😉

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